Total Knee Prep Course

Prepare your Body and Mind

for a Successful

Total Knee Replacement

Transform your knee pain and fear into strength and confidence in only 6 weeks!

Does this sound like you?

• You struggle with knee pain daily

• You have stopped enjoying activities or time with your family because it's too hard on your knees

• You NEED a knee replacement but are afraid to have it done

• You want to be prepared for your surgery but have NO IDEA where to start!

What if things could be different?

How amazing would it feel to show up for your knee replacement confident that you have the necessary tools for success?

Following this course, you will learn all the exercises, swelling and pain control techniques that you will use after surgery. Practicing them before surgery will allow you to build your skills gradually, while remaining gentle on your knees.

How amazing would it be to know pain control options that don't require powerful narcotics?

There are many pain control options that don't require the use of medications. Learning the techniques to help manage pain will allow you to keep on top of your pain after surgery and fully participate in your post operative rehab.

How amazing would it be if you were stronger and fitter before going for your knee replacement surgery?

One of the best ways to speed up your recovery after surgery is to start with a stronger and fitter baseline. Having strong legs and arms, core stability, and basic fitness all contribute to a better recovery.

If you’re finding yourself nodding along to all this, you’re not alone…

Most people once told they need a knee replacement are overwhelmed and terrified of the road ahead.

But it doesn't have to be that way, there are simple exercises and activities that you can do in preparation for a total knee replacement that will set you up for success.

As a physiotherapist, I have worked with hundreds of people after their knee replacement, and the biggest thing holding people back from making progress is FEAR.

Fear that they will ruin their new knee, fear that they will be in pain if they move, fear that it will never get better, fear that they will never walk again…. The list goes on and on.

I want to change the way that people show up for surgery. I want people to have the skills to manage their pain, the confidence to get moving as quickly as possible, and the basic strength needed to move on their own right after surgery.

Knowledge is power, and most people are lacking the basic knowledge to feel confident and empowered to start the recovery from surgery.

Which is why I’m soooo excited to introduce my:

Total Knee

Prep Course!

An online 6-week program to prepare you not only physically for surgery, but mentally as well.

This step-by-step essential guide is designed to start building strength and confidence slowly while remaining gentle on your arthritic knees.

Basically, you’ll have the expertise of someone from the inside (ME! a physical therapist with over 10 years of experience) helping to hold your hand, every step of the way while preparing for surgery.

Here’s what you’ll get when you join the course:


Weekly Training Videos

Each week includes education around an important topic that will help you to be fully prepared for surgery. The accompanying slides from the presentations will also be available for each week in the modules.

Value: $240


Companion Workbook

The workbook contains all the important info from the weekly training videos, as well as journaling or self-reflection activities to make the learning personalized to you.

Value: $90


Exercise and Activity Trackers

Each week includes a tracker for the exercises and activities to be completed. This can be printed out and put somewhere you can't miss it to remind you of your tasks for the week and keep you on track.

Value: $60


Exercise Videos

Video demonstrations of each exercise. Simple instructions to make sure you know how to perform the exercises properly.

New exercises are added each week, building on the strength and exercises from the week before. These are the essential exercises that will best prepare you for surgery.

Value: $180


Private Facebook Group

The private FB group will be the place to meet and support others who are also preparing for surgery. It will be the place to ask questions, share your wins or struggles, and keep yourself accountable and motivated to complete the course.

Value: $240


Email Support

Email support is available if you need assistance in any way. Please reach out to our team with any difficulties so we can help you to get the most out of this course.

Value: $100

A total value of over $900

Enroll Now for Only $447

$197 USD

When a group of people who had already had a total knee replacement were asked:

"What's the one thing you wish you'd known before surgery that would have made you feel better prepared?"

Here are just a few of their responses.....

"I lost 50 lbs before surgery and did prehab - I am so glad I was in good shape. I also worked on my mindset- being mentally and physically prepared made all the difference in how I dealt with the pain and emotion of the process. Yes, this is hard but I am so glad I did it!!.”


To do prehab exercises. It would have made a big difference the first days (after surgery)

— Y.P.

"How important "Pre" surgery exercises are and not to slack on "post-op" at home PT!"


"I would’ve wished they STRESSED how so important doing the physical therapy was. I have lots of friends and family who didn’t do what they were supposed to exercise-wise or quit PT (because) they thought 'aww I’m over it'. They are still having problems and I’m 100% better”


Still on the fence about it?

14 Day Money-Back Guarantee


We want to make this course totally risk-free for you. We are so confident in the transformation you will have during this course, that we offer a 14-day money-back guarantee.

You will have access to the first 2 modules to allow you to try things out, connect with the community, and get started with some exercises and activities to help manage your knee pain.

If you decide this course is not the right fit for you before the 14-day period is up, just send us an email and we’ll refund the full course amount.

It’s that simple. No risk, just a 14-day opportunity to make real progress on your journey to prepare for your knee replacement


What if I don't have a surgery date yet?

It doesn't matter when your surgery date is. The course takes 6-weeks to work through the content, so if your date is further away you can continue to maintain (or further build) your strength and activity levels while you wait.

You will have lifetime access to this program.

Wait time is not wasted time!

What if I haven't exercised in years?

The exercises in this course are designed for all fitness levels, as well as to be gentle on your knees. The weekly exercises build on the strength from the week before, so you will grow stronger and fitter gradually over the 6-week course.

How much time does the course take?

Each week, for 6 weeks, you will get access to a new module. The modules include educational training videos, workbook activities, and exercises. If you set aside 30min to learn the content once a week and 10-15 minutes daily for the exercises you will be able to complete the course successfully.

How will I stay on track?

You will receive an email each week when you have access to the new module. The Facebook group will be the place to connect with others in the course and find an accountability partner if you need a little extra support to keep going each week.

I'm not very tech-savvy, how does an online program work?

As long as you can access your email and follow the links provided, you will be able to access the course content. If you have any difficulty with any of the technical side, you can always reach out for support via email.

Why is this a better option than just going to a physical therapist?

Two reasons - convenience and cost.

You can perform this program from the comfort of your home or take it on the road if you are traveling, all you need is internet access and your workbook.

Also, this course is less than half the price of a weekly PT visit and provides you with lots more education and resources that are traditionally available through a physiotherapist.

*Disclaimer: This course has been created to provide general information and education about preparing for a total knee replacement surgery. It should not be used in place of medical advice from a licensed healthcare professional. Please consult your doctor or healthcare provider before starting this program to determine if this is an appropriate program for you to perform, based on your personal health history.

© Copyright 2023 Total Knee Prep