Are you struggling with your knee bend after your knee replacement?

It can be frustrating and painful to not have the mobility you once had.

But don't worry, we have a solution for you...

5 Easy Ways to Get your Knee to Bend

Get immediate access to a mini course that will teach you five simple exercises guaranteed to improve your bend

Does this sound like you?

• You are struggling to get your knee to move after your knee replacement

• You dread going to physical therapy because you know they will force your knee to bend

• You forget how to do the exercises your physical therapist gave you when you try to do them at home

• You know you could be making more progress with your knee bend, but are not sure what you're doing wrong!

What if you could improve your knee bend today without leaving your home?

Introducing our online mini-course:

Five Ways to Get Your Knee to Bend After Your Knee Replacement

This course is designed to give you practical and effective exercises to improve your knee's flexibility and get you back to doing the things you love.

Now, you may be wondering...

Why do I need this when I'm already going to physical therapy?

Here's a quick comparison of our online program to going to a physical therapist twice a week?

The benefits of this online course include:

  1. Convenience: With our online course, you can learn and practice at your own pace and from the comfort of your own home. No need to schedule appointments and travel to a physical therapy clinic.

  2. Cost-effective: Traditional physical therapy can be expensive, but our online program is an affordable option that provides the same valuable information and exercises.

  3. Accessible: Our online course is available to anyone with an internet connection, regardless of location. You don't have to live near a physical therapy clinic to benefit from our program.

  4. Comprehensive: Our course covers five different methods to improve knee flexibility, giving you a well-rounded approach to your recovery. You can also revisit the course materials anytime you need a refresher.

  5. Personalized: Our online program allows you to tailor your learning experience to your individual needs. You can focus on the exercises that give you the best benefit, and skip over the material that doesn't apply to you.

Get Instant Access for Only $97

Here’s what's inside the course:

Introduction and Tutorial Video

- tips and tricks from a physical therapist that will help you to maximize your results

Five Individual Exercise Videos

- easy to follow instructions

- Options in sitting, standing, and laying down

Still on the fence ?

7 Day Money-Back Guarantee


We want to make this course totally risk-free for you. We are so confident in the transformation you will have during this course, that we offer a 7-day money-back guarantee.

If you decide this course is not the right fit for you before the 7-day period is up, just send us an email and we’ll refund the full course amount.

It’s that simple. No risk, just a 7-day opportunity to make real progress on your knee bend

*Disclaimer: This course has been created to provide general information and education to regain knee range of movement after a total knee replacement surgery. It should not be used in place of medical advice from a licensed healthcare professional. Please consult your doctor or healthcare provider before starting this program to determine if this is an appropriate program for you to perform, based on your personal health history.

© Copyright 2023 Total Knee Prep