ABOUT the Total Knee Prep Course

Prepare your body and mind for a successful Total Knee Replacement during this 6-week online course.

Transform your knee pain and fear into strength and confidence with this step-by-step program created by a physical therapist.

Follow weekly training videos, exercises, and activities from the comfort of your own home.

Practicing and preparing before surgery will allow you to build your skills gradually while remaining gentle on your knees, and speed your recovery afterward by having a stronger and fitter baseline.

So, if you NEED a knee replacement but are afraid to have it done. Or if you want to be prepared for your surgery but have NO IDEA where to start, enroll now to prepare & succeed!

HELLO Knee Pain Sufferers!

I'm Lindsay...

Physiotherapist & Creator of the Total Knee Prep Course.

I graduated with a Masters in Physiotherapy Studies from the University of Queensland, Australia in 2008. After working and traveling for a year, I returned home to Canada, to work in both the public and private sectors as a physiotherapist.

I expanded my training to include acupuncture with a certification from the AFCI in 2012, which taught me the importance of the mind-body connection in pain control.

For the last six years, I've worked on the surgical floor of KBRH helping hundreds of people after their total knee replacements. I was inspired to create this course to spread my expertise and to empower people to show up for surgery prepared both mentally and physically.

I love living in the beautiful ski town of Rossland, BC, with my young family including 2 daughters, my husband Nate, and our 1-year-old rescue dog named “Toast”.


For anything and everything related to your total knee replacement, please do not hesitate to reach out.

© Copyright 2022 Total Knee Prep.