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Total Knee Prep Course

Suffering with KNEE PAIN and FEAR while you wait for your knee replacement?

This course will get you out of pain, eliminate your anxiety, and teach you all the skills you need to have a successful surgery.

Prefer One to One Coaching?

Let's work together to create a personalized plan that will get you out of pain and looking forward to surgery in 6 short weeks

Welcome! I'm Lindsay

Physiotherapist and Course Creator

As a physiotherapist, I have worked with hundreds of people after their knee replacement, and the biggest thing holding people back from making progress is FEAR.

Fear that they will ruin their new knee, fear that they will be in pain if they move, fear that it will never get better, fear that they will never walk again…. The list goes on and on.

I want to change the way that people show up for surgery. I want people to have the skills to manage their pain, the confidence to get moving as quickly as possible, and the basic strength needed to move on their own right after surgery.

Knowledge is power, and most people are lacking the basic knowledge to feel confident and empowered to start the recovery from surgery.

Imagine your transformation after only 6 weeks...

  • Become stronger and fitter
  • Have a better understanding of your pain and how to control it without powerful narcotics
  • Learn all the tools and exercises you'll need for a successful surgery
  • Meet and get support from other people having a knee replacement in our online community


I'm on a mission to help take the fear and anxiety out of preparing for a total knee replacement.

Learn everything you need to know about preparing for your surgery, including the exercises you'll do after surgery, the equipment you'll need, and pain control strategies that don't require medication.

The benefit of this online program is the convenience and flexibility it offers.

The Total Knee Prep Course is completely online, so you can complete the modules from the comfort of your own home, or take it anywhere you may travel, all you need is an internet connection!

With lifetime access to the course content, you can use the program at your own pace. Even if you don't have a surgery date, you can work through the course, then continue to maintain your fitness until your knee replacement.

Whether you think you can, or you think you can't - you're right.

- Henry Ford


Have specific questions regarding your knee replacement

that you need help answering?

Prefer to work with me one-on-one in a coaching call?

No Problem! Click the link below

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