first 24 hours

First 24

December 07, 20232 min read

Five Steps to SURVIVE Your FIRST 24 Hours After Knee Replacement

Following these five steps will get you started on your successful recovery right after your knee replacement

Follow these five steps in your first 24 hours after your knee replacement

Step 1: Control your Pain

The most important thing to focus on right after surgery is your pain control.

Without proper pain control, you won't be able to get your knee moving or get around with your walker.

Make sure you are on the right meds before you are discharged home.

Taking the pain meds on a regular schedule will make sure that your pain doesn't get out of control.

Step 2: Manage Other Symptoms

Nausea, vomiting, feeling dizzy or lightheaded are very common side effects of the anesthetic, blood loss, and the medications after surgery.

To prevent a fall, move slowly, sit for a minute before standing up, and use a walker for added balance support.

Step 3: Get Moving

Once you wake from surgery, you will want to get up and start walking.

Moving every hour or two will help with your knee pain and stiffness, as well as speed up your recovery.

Doing your bed exercises and putting weight into your new knee are both important activities to do throughout the day.

Focus on doing a few minutes of activity every hour and slowly increase the amount you do each time

Step 4: Get Rest

Rest and sleep are just as important as getting moving in the first few days after surgery.

For the best rest, make sure your knee is supported and elevated. Time your rest with your pain meds to maximize your comfort.

If you can't get comfortable, get up and move around for a few minutes then try to resettle into bed.

Step 5: Stay Hydrated

Constipation is common after surgery due to of pain meds and less daily activity.

Drinking plenty of water will not only help your digestion, but will also encourage you to get up regularly to use the bathroom, which will keep your knee from getting too stiff.

Do you want to get stronger, fitter, and reduce your knee pain before surgery... then join the Total Knee Prep Course and in only 6 weeks transform your strength and confidence from the comfort of your own home.

Imagine waking up after surgery feeling relaxed but excited to get started on your knee rehab, with an inner confidence that you have all the skills and tools you ’ll need to get moving on your own, start exercising, and controlling your knee pain during your recovery

If you already know that you are going to have a knee replacement and you want to prepare to have a successful recovery after surgery, then joining the Total Knee Prep Course is the next best step you can take.

'“Success is the sum of small efforts, repeated day-in and day-out.” – Robert Collier


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