Stair safety after knee replacement


December 14, 20232 min read

3 Biggest Mistakes People Make on Stairs After Knee Replacement

Learn how to stay safe going down stairs after your knee replacement surgery

Follow these five steps in your first 24 hours after your knee replacement

Mistake #1 - Leaning Backwards when Stepping Down

Leaning backwards is the biggest mistake that EVERYONE makes when going down stairs for the first time after their knee replacement. When you lean back, the weight stays on the foot on the upper stair and not on the stair you're moving down to making it extremely difficult to move down. The easy fix for this is to lean your shoulders forward over the stair below you. Once you are leaned forward with the crutches on the stair below, it is very easy to bring your non-operated leg down to the next step.

Mistake #2: Placing only your TOES on the Stair Below

When making your way down the stairs, be sure to plant your entire foot flat on the step below before bringing your other leg down to meet it. It may seem simple, but this small adjustment can make a world of difference in your balance. By only relying on your toe or the front of your foot for support, you're compromising your stability and increasing the risk of a tumble. Don't let a momentary loss of balance ruin your day - Keep both feet firmly grounded on the stair.

Stay steady, stay safe.

Mistake #3: Crutches aren't Secured by your Arms

When you place the crutches below you on the step, make sure that you lean your body forward so that your arms can secure the crutches against your body. The goal is to take the upper part of your arms and squeeze the crutches against your ribs. This will ensure that the crutches stay put and don't slip out as you move down to the next step.

To see all these tips in action - watch the video

Do you want to get stronger, fitter, and reduce your knee pain before surgery... then join the Total Knee Prep Course and in only 6 weeks transform your strength and confidence from the comfort of your own home.

Imagine waking up after surgery feeling relaxed but excited to get started on your knee rehab, with an inner confidence that you have all the skills and tools you ’ll need to get moving on your own, start exercising, and controlling your knee pain during your recovery

If you already know that you are going to have a knee replacement and you want to prepare to have a successful recovery after surgery, then joining the Total Knee Prep Course is the next best step you can take.

'“Faith is taking the first step even when you don't see the whole staircase” – Martin Luther King, Jr


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