Leg Lifter

Leg Lifter

November 16, 20233 min read

Mastering the Leg Lifter: 3 Pro Tips to Effective Use

There are only a few tools that will really help you in the early days after your knee replacement. The leg lifter is one of the best ways to be as independent as possible getting in and out of bed right after surgery.

The information in this post is best communicated in video, so make sure you scroll to the bottom of the blog and watch these tips in action!

Recovery timeline after a knee replacement surgery

Tip # 1: Don't hold on to the end of the strap

One common mistake users make when using a leg lifter is gripping the strap at its end. For more effective results, place your hand through the loop and reach down towards your foot. This technique not only provides better control but also reduces strain on your arms. By securing your grip in this manner, you'll be able to better support your leg and help reduce the pain you feel when moving the leg in and out of bed.

Tip # 2: Don't try to lift your whole leg off the bed

Another important aspect of using a leg lifter is to practice partial heel lifts rather than attempting to lift your entire leg off the bed. Precision is key here. By focusing on lifting your heel only a small amount, you will reduce the pain when moving the knee. This controlled approach also reduces the likelihood of straining other parts of your body (like your arms), ensuring you don't add any more pain to your recovery.

Tip # 3: Use it to help do your bed exercises

A leg lifter is an excellent tool for your weak leg muscles if you're struggling to complete your bed exercises independently. The leg lifter acts as a supportive for your operated leg, enabling users to gradually regain strength and flexibility. As your muscles wake up after surgery, you will need to use less and less assistance from the leg lifter.

Don't have a leg lifter to use? Here are a few other options to try

While the leg lifter is a fantastic tool, it's not the only option available. Individuals with specific preferences or requirements may consider alternatives such as a cane or a yoga strap. However, it's important to note that a yoga strap presents its own set of challenges. Unlike the leg lifter, a yoga strap requires the user to be able to loop it over their foot, which may be difficult for some individuals. Additionally, the yoga strap lacks the rigidity that a leg lifter provides, making it a less stable option for certain exercises.

Final Thoughts

In conclusion, mastering the use of a leg lifter involves a combination of proper technique and when to use it. By following the key tips outlined above —optimal hand placement, partial heel lifts, and incorporating it into exercises for weak legs—you can enhance your rehabilitation or workout routine. Remember, the leg lifter is a versatile tool that, when used correctly, can contribute significantly to your journey toward improved strength, flexibility, and overall independence.

If you already know that you are going to have a knee replacement and you want to prepare to have a successful recovery after surgery, then joining the Total Knee Prep Course is the next best step you can take.

'No matter how slow you're going, you're still lapping everyone on the couch’ - Unknown


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