3 reasons to use a cane

3 Reasons You Need a Cane

February 23, 20232 min read

3 Reasons Why You Need A Cane After Your Knee Replacement

This simple and inexpensive walking aid can make your life a whole lot easier after your knee replacement, so don’t forget to include it in your equipment list.

3 reasons you need a cane

The best part is it has more than one helpful way to assist you after surgery…

1.      Ready to progress off your walker...

Switching to a cane after your knee replacement is a big moment, because it means that you’re ready to take your knee flexibility and strength to the next level.

As exciting as this seems don’t rush to switch too early, so how do you know if you’re ready for a cane?

Well, the easiest way to tell is that you should NOT be walking with a limp if you are using a cane… and if you are you need to go back to using a 2 wheel-walker a little longer.

2.       It makes a great substitute leg lifter

You can save yourself a few dollars by getting a cane instead of a leg lifter, just turn the cane so the handle end is at your foot and use it to support your operated leg when you are getting in and out of your bed or car.

3.      Use it to help with your exercises

Using the cane when you are doing your heel slide or knee bend exercises after surgery will allow you to assist your leg into a greater bend than if you only try to bend it with your own strength. Maximizing your knee bend early will set you up for success as you recover, especially in the first few weeks post op.

One Final Tip...

Don’t make the mistake I often see and put the cane on the same side as your new knee, you want to put it on the opposite side so when you take a step your opposite arm will swing forward with the cane and help you to feel balanced and secure when you step.

More of a visual learner...

Watch the video below for all the details!

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“I'm not sure if I can swagger anymore, but I can limp with the best of them.” - Burt Reynolds

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