3 Simple Tips to Get out of Bed

Get Out of Bed Pain Free

June 14, 20232 min read

It's time to get out of bed... Don't panic, just follow these tips!

One area that most people struggle with after having their knee replaced is getting in and out of bed. Not only is it tough physically, but it often causes the most pain in the knee.

Calf pain after a total knee replacement

1. Move towards the Edge of the Bed FIRST

If you start getting out of bed when you're still in the middle of the mattress, you will have to use your arms, core, and legs way more than if you're already at the side of the bed. Start by moving your hips right to the edge, then move your legs over. Pause here before moving onto tip #2.

2. Support your New Knee

The best way to move pain free from bed is to support that new knee once your feet come over the edge of the bed, to prevent the knee from dangling on it's own. There are tons of options you can use for support... such as: a leg lifter, your other leg, your hands, a towel, a blanket, a belt.

3. Don't Leave your Leg Hanging

When lowering your leg, it's crucial not to stop the movement until your foot touches the floor. This continuous motion ensures that you maintain control and stability throughout the process. Pausing mid-movement can lead to instability and increased strain on your knee. So, keep the motion fluid and gradually lower your leg until your foot is fully supported on the floor.

So, there you go!!

A few simple tips that will make getting out of bed not only easier but also, PAIN FREE!!

Click Below to watch see these tips in action!

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“We can’t direct the wind, but we can adjust the sails. For maximum happiness, peace, and contentment, may we choose a positive attitude"

-Thomas S. Monson

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